Artificial intelligence
serving eye exam

Expert eye exams accessible to anyone.

Specializing in visual diagnosis assisted by artificial intelligence, SiVIEW develops innovative and expert technological solutions to support eye health professionals in their daily practice, and to improve patient access to eye care.

SiVIEW intelligence artificielle

Subjective refraction
through smart automation

The SiviewExam® software solution allows fast and simple subjective refraction, with results as precise as those obtained manually by an expert, and is able to detect if the patient needs to be seen by an expert because there is potential health risks, such as eye diseases.


Eye exams performed
with SiVIEW to date

5 min exam for a prescription update, and 8 min for a complete eye examen vs a conventional 20-min exam

No knowledge required thanks to the ultra-intuitive interface and a generated expert report

The algorithm provides you with results as precise as those obtained
manually by an expert (study conducted in 2022 on 111 patients*)

* Examination performed in “rapid examination” mode.

Customers' testimonials

SiVIEW expertise
at a glance

+ 10
years of R&D
+ 500
patient profile
7 000
+ 100,000
patients' data
+ 100
1 300
+ 2,500
automated tests
+ 8,000
eye pathologies
already identified

Select your most suited plan
dedicated to optometrics


As an independent eye expert, you want to cut down refraction wait times to expend your eye examination practice.


You have several optic stores and want to offer them the possibility of adapting the solution to their own practices, while guaranteeing a consistent quality of eye exams across all stores in the chain.

Recent news & resources

SiVIEW à SantExpo 2024 : La vitrine de l’innovation en santé.

Découvrez SiVIEW à SantExpo 2024 : Révolutionnez l'examen de vue avec l'intelligence artificielle. Notre logiciel innovant, SiVIEW, utilise des algorithmes avancés pour automatiser et optimiser les processus d'examen de vue, offrant ainsi précision accrue et résultats fiables en un temps record.
Miniature blog siview

The Future of AI in the optics market : the role of optometrists.

Explore the advances of AI in visual health, its innovative applications in optics, and discover the debates on its impact on the role of optometrists.
Image showing an optometrist with the tablet SiVIEW in future

Innovation in the service of Vision: Enhancing the role of optometrists.

The alarm sounds, lawyers are contacted, and statutes are amended. "Not serious," "a threat to the profession," and "a danger to eye health" are some of the comments we've collected on social media. But what is it about Okkult that sets off the industry's warning lights? Certain factors stand out.

SiVIEW à SANTEXPO, la vitrine de l'innovation en santé

Rejoignez-nous sur notre stand du 21 au 23 mai 2024 à Paris Expo