How to Pair My Tablet and SiVIEW Box via Bluetooth?

🤔 Problem description

  • My tablet has been replaced due to loss, theft, or malfunction, and I want to pair my new tablet with my SiVIEW Box.
  • My tablet doesn’t seem able to communicate with my SiVIEW Box, although it worked before.
  • The indicator light on the SiVIEW Box is yellow.

🛠 Solution

Here are the steps to pair or re-pair your tablet and SiVIEW Box via Bluetooth.

Step 1: Turn on Bluetooth

  • Go to your tablet’s settings.
  • Look for the Bluetooth option and enable it if it’s turned off.

Step 2: Remove existing pairing (if applicable)

  • If your SiVIEW Box is already paired but not working correctly, it might help to remove the existing pairing.
  • Go to the list of connected or paired Bluetooth devices, select your SiVIEW Box, and choose the option to “Forget” or “Unpair” the device.

Step 3: Put the SiVIEW Box in pairing mode

  • Turning off and then restarting your box will enable pairing mode for a few minutes after it powers on.

  • Once in pairing mode, the SiVIEW Box should be discoverable by other Bluetooth devices.

Step 4: Search for devices from your tablet:

  • On your tablet, in the Bluetooth settings, search for new devices.
  • Your SiVIEW Box should appear in the list of available devices.

Note: Updating the name of the box may take a few moments (up to 1 minute).

  • Please note the latest 2 digits of the siview-box MAC adress for the next step configuration.

Step 5: Select the SiVIEW Box

  • Tap on the name of your SiVIEW Box to pair it with your tablet
  • Accept the pairing message displayed on the tablet.

Step 6: Launch the SiVIEW app and go to preferences

  • Back to the homepage
  • Launch the SiVIEW app by clicking on the the icon
  • Introduce your password
  • Click on the “burger” menu on the top left corner
  • Then go to “Preferences”

Step 7: Select your SiVIEW box V1

  • In “Preferences” menu
  • Clic on SiVIEW Box settings
  • Then on the green button “Configure my SiVIEW-BOX (v1)
  • Click on the SiVIEW-BOX “XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX” MAC adress (even if you can see an update wheel running)

Step 8: Check or configure your refraction devices

  • Ensure that the refraction devices displayed on the screen are indeed those of your refraction room.
  • If no refraction devices appear, select your devices from the dropdown list.
  • Then, press the green button “Exit”
  • Congratulations, your SiVIEW-Box V1 is configured
  • You can now verify the proper functioning of the solution through a test examination.

❔ Need more information?

We hope this article has been helpful and that you have found all the answers to your questions. If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.

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SiVIEW will be present at SILMO 2024

Join us at our stand from September 20th to 23rd, 2024 at the Parc des Expositions – Paris Nord Villepinte