The innovation and quality of the SiviewExam solution is based on the Siview team’s extensive expertise in optometry, advanced technology and artificial intelligence.
Laure Pichereau
MSc Vision Science
25 years’ experience in optics and optometry before working on the first algos in 2013. Laure taught optometry at the University of Orsay, alongside her clinical experience, before embarking on a career in industry, where she worked with some of the biggest names in optics.
Véronique Özkan
30 years’ experience in healthcare, with Johnson & Johnson and Bioserenity, managing a variety of projects (emerging and mature markets, cross-functional, regional and global, business unit launches) with sales ranging from 0 to 3.5 billion dollars. Ability to achieve consistent results.
Damien Gatinel
Head of Department
at Rothschild Foundation
The Dr. Damien Gatinel, head of ophthalmology at the Hôpital Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild, is an expert in refractive surgery, cataract and keratoconus. He conducts clinical and theoretical research on intraocular lenses, corneal modeling, artificial intelligence and refractive surgery.
Laure Pichereau
MSc Vision Science
Véronique Özkan
Etienne Paul
Chief Product Officer
Hélène Jean-Baptiste
Quality Assurance & Regulatory
Affairs Director
Managing Director, LBO France
Edouard CARDI
Family Office
Investment Director, LBO France