

Miniature blog siview

The Future of AI in the optics market : the role of optometrists.

Explore the advances of AI in visual health, its innovative applications in optics, and discover the debates on its impact on the role of optometrists.
Image showing an optometrist with the tablet SiVIEW in future

Innovation in the service of Vision: Enhancing the role of optometrists.

The alarm sounds, lawyers are contacted, and statutes are amended. "Not serious," "a threat to the profession," and "a danger to eye health" are some of the comments we've collected on social media. But what is it about Okkult that sets off the industry's warning lights? Certain factors stand out.

« There will always be a need for experts », AI-assisted refraction by SiVIEW.

" There will always be a need for experts " states Laure Pichereau, who has over 20 years of experience in the optics sector as the co-founder and CEO of SiVIEW, the first "refraction device" comprised solely of a connection and control box. The artificial intelligence (AI) is simply connected to the existing refraction device.
Poster étudie cinique SiVIEW

Study of subjective refraction measured with SiVIEW software compared with that obtained manually by an expert

Explore subjective refraction through a comparative study of automated measurement by SiVIEW software and manual measurement by an expert. Discover the results of a single-center cross-sectional study on the accuracy of subjective refraction measurements.




SiVIEW will be present at SILMO 2024

Join us at our stand from September 20th to 23rd, 2024 at the Parc des Expositions – Paris Nord Villepinte